The chief executive of the Green Building Council of Australia, Romilly Madew, has been appointed chair of a new committee tasked with overseeing consistent standards for global green building rating.

The World Green Building Council’s (WorldGBC’s) new committee will develop an international standard for quality assurance of global green building rating tools.

“Our immediate priority is to provide guidance on the Common Carbon Metric project, which is working towards a globally-accepted and consistent methodology for measuring the carbon performance of our building stock,” Ms Madew says.

“With Australia moving towards a price on carbon, robust carbon accounting within the built environment will become increasingly critical.

“We will also be complementing the work commenced by the South African Green Building Council on socio-economic criteria for green building rating systems.”

Other nations represented on the committee include the US, UK, Japan, Singapore, South Africa and Germany.

“I’m delighted to take on the role of Chair of this new committee. Australia’s property and construction industry should take this as further evidence of our leadership role in the formation and delivery of green building rating tools,” Ms Madew says.

“Being part of this new committee enables us to continue to play an active role in the evolution of the global green building movement,”

The Federal Minister for Transport, Anthony Albanese, has released a draft strategy on developing a national freight network to integrate road, rail, ports and airports.

Melbourne aerospace researchers at RMIT are working with leaders of the Russian space industry to build two space centres in Australia.

The WA Government has released design plans for the redevelopment of Perth Waterfront, together with a commitment for project funding in this year’s State Budget and confirmation that earthworks will start in early 2012.

The Australian government has appointed a  Built Environment Supplier Advocate, Mr John Gaskin, who will help Australian companies identify opportunities and promote their interests in making major building projects and procurements more sustainable. 

The Victorian Government has announced a review of flood warnings and emergency response efforts to be undertaken in the wake of  this month’s floods. The review will be led by Mr Neil Comrie,  former Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police and current Bushfires Royal Commission Interim Report Implementation Monitor.

The 2010-11 Flood Warnings and Response review will examine:

The Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced oversight and accountability measures to oversee delivery of flood recovery programs.

A feasibility study has commenced to determine the economic benefits and financial viability of a high speed rail network along Australia's east coast.

The Federal, Victorian and NSW Governments have agreed to ‘re-profile’ three major infrastructure projects to free up funds for rebuilding after the floods in those states.

The Federal and State governments have confirmed the devastating floods would not stop vital planning and design work on a number of north Queensland road projects from pushing ahead.

The feasibility study commissioned to determine the economic benefits and financial viability of a high speed rail network along Australia's east coast has started following the appointment of outside experts to complete the first stage of this work.

The Federal Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, Anthony Albanese, has released a report, Infrastructure Planning and Delivery: Best Practice Case Studies, which provides a resource to help governments and industry to optimize effectiveness in the development of infrastructure.

The $152 million capital works program to improve tourist and visitor safety at the Sydney Opera House has commenced, with funding of $152 million from the NSW Government.

The Northern Territory Government has released its Greater Darwin Region Land Use Plan Towards 2030 for public consultation.

The Productivity Commission is undertaking a benchmarking study into Planning, Zoning and Development Assessments. This study is the third year in a series of reviews benchmarking Australian business regulatory burdens.

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