Materials engineering specialists at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) have developed a new software program designed to help coal-fired power stations improve their efficiency and sustain a reliable output.

The software, ‘Remlife’ is already in use by several power companies across Australia to gauge the wear and tear of plant infrastructure.

Most of Australia’s coal-fired power stations are several decades old, and with no new power stations coming online in the near future, the question remains how existing stations will cope with the added pressure of rising demand.

A new $62 million training at Northbridge, Perth will become the centrepiece for one of Western Australia’s biggest State Training Providers.

Australia Pacific LNG has signed a contract with Chinese petroleum and chemical company, Sinopec Corporation, for the supply of up to 4.3 million tonnes of LNG per annum for 20 years.

The Federal Opposition has announced its intention to enhance the role of Infrastructure Australia in assessing infrastructure projects of national significance, should it be elected.

In a recent speech, Federal Opposition Leader, Tony Abbott expressed his support for Infrastructure Australia and said the Opposition would boost IA’s role and resources.

“The Coalition supports Infrastructure Australia (IA) and in government will strengthen its role, creating a more transparent, accountable and effective adviser on infrastructure projects,” Mr Abbott said.
“We’ll keep it, we’ll fund it and we’ll listen to it because important infrastructure decisions should be made on the basis of rational planning and not short-term political pork barrelling.”

Mr Abbott outlined a number of measures to boost IA’s capabilities and effectiveness:
  1. The Coalition will ensure that Infrastructure Australia has guaranteed ongoing funding. Funding for Infrastructure Australia expires at the end of this financial year. The Coalition’s commitment means that IA will be provided with the resources necessary for it to do its job properly.
  2. The Coalition will retain Sir Rod Eddington as the chairman of Infrastructure Australia.
  3. The Coalition will require that all Commonwealth-funded infrastructure projects worth more than $100 million have undergone a cost-benefit analysis by Infrastructure Australia.
  4. Infrastructure Australia will be required to publish justifications for its project recommendations, including the net present value of each recommended project.
  5. The Coalition will task Infrastructure Australia with developing a rolling 15-year infrastructure plan for Australia, with this plan being revised every five years. This will provide certainty for industry as to what infrastructure projects will be pursued by government and in what order. IA will be required to clearly specify infrastructure priorities at the national and state levels, based on a rigorous and transparent assessment of competing infrastructure projects proposed by the states.

The Australian Strategy Policy Institute has released its review of Australia's submarine construction policy, finding that very little progress had been made since the publishing of the Defence White Paper in 2009, which outlined the construction of twelve new, non-nuclear long range submarines 'built to perform a range of demanding tasks'.

Renewable energy firm, CBD Energy has signed a joint venture agreement with two of China’s largest renewable energy companies with the aim of developing $6 billion of renewable energy projectsand a third of the Australian renewable energy market over the next eight years.

A Queensland company, Excel Technology Group (ETG), has won approval for a new device which weighs and classifies moving vehicles as they drive along roads.

The Federal Government has launched construction of the second phase of the Advanced Instrumentation Technology Centre (AITC) at Mount Stromlo. The Technology Centre will support Australia’s contribution to the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) which will be built in Chile.

Australia’s growing skills shortage is most pronounced in the Construction, Building and Engineering categories, across Professional, Associate Professional and Trades occupations, according to the latest analysis by the recruitment agency, Clarius Group.

The Women in Science and Engineering Summit held this week in Parliament House Canberra has led to a number of commitments by research organizations and businesses to improving the retention rate for women in science and engineering.

Leighton Holdings Limited has announced a huge revision of its profit forcast for 2010-2011, expecting to report a loss of $427 million for the financial year versus its previous guidance for a profit of $480 million after tax.

Shanghai-based Baosteel Group has partnered with The University of Queensland , University of New South Wales, Monash University, and the University of Wollongong to establish the Baosteel-Australia Joint Research and Development Centre.

Watpac’s Construction division has been awarded two contracts totalling $155 million in Queensland’s south-east region.

The University of New South Wales (UNSW) will repeat a week-long training course in smart grids run in partnership with IBM and Ausgrid (formerly EnergyAustralia) for IT professionals, telecommunications engineers and electrical power engineers.

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell and Transport Minister Gladys Berejiklian have announced the appointment of a project team to fast-track work on Sydney’s North West Rail Link.

Rio Tinto Ltd has awarded a $96 million railway signaling and communications to the Australian subsidiary of Milan company, Ansaldo STS. 

A report by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office has found that while total renewable energy generation in Victoria has increased, efforts to increase the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources have not been effective.

Sinclair Knight Merz and Parsons Brinckerhoff have been selected to partner with the NSW Roads and Traffic Authority (RTA) to undertake the detailed design work and obtain the necessary environmental approvals for the upgrade of the Great Western Highway between Mount Victoria and Lithgow.

The international environment agency, The Pew Charitable Trusts, has released a report that ranks Australia in 12th position in G20 countries -  behind Brazil, Canada, Spain, France, India and Japan, but ahead of the UK -  in terms of investment in clean energy.

Enhanced Biogenic Methane (EBM), a wholly owned subsidiary of Regal Resources, is conducting a pilot project in Victoria for its biogenic methane enhancement (BME) technology.

Four Australian universities have been ranked in the world’s top 50 universities in the inaugural QS World University Rankings for engineering and technology.             

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