Australia has accused China-backed hackers of cyber crimes.

Australian technology is being used to forecast water quality in California.

Lab-grown meat could soon see a significant enhancement in flavour.

Boeing is reportedly planning to plead guilty to criminal fraud conspiracy charges over two fatal 737 MAX crashes ...

Researchers at Flinders University are developing ‘whiskers’ for robots.

The ACCC has forecast longer-term gas supply issues.

CEFC has entered a new partnership to offer discounted green loans to SMEs.

The Australian Government says a new partnership with Amazon Web Services will enhance national security.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is projected to create up to 200,000 AI-related jobs in Australia by 2030, new findings suggest.

Police have had a win in a legal case over a high-tech, international sting.

CSIRO has partnered with Dell to develop an advanced high-performance computing (HPC) system named Virga.

Researchers have effectively targeted and destroyed disease-causing RNA.

A ‘blood vessel-on-a-chip’ could improve diagnostics and reduce the use of animal testing.

An underground coal mine in Queensland has been burning for several days.

Carborough Downs Coal Management has been fined $720,000 following the death of a worker and the injury of another at a central Queensland mine.

High-tech factory workers of the future may depend on augmented reality to manage workflows and troubleshoot remotely.

From July 1, the manufacture, sale, and installation of engineered stone is banned in Australia.

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