Archived News for Engineering Professionals - February, 2023
EnergyAustralia says its $300 million Tallawarra B gas power plant will be completed on time, despite the collapse of a major contractor Clough.
Gas study undermined
The CSIRO has been criticised over the findings of a report on fracking in the Beetaloo Basin.
Superbugs linked to pollution
Experts say that in order to reduce the threat of superbugs, the world must cut down on pollution.
Mining views mismatch contribution
A veteran historian says mining remains central to the Australian economy, despite its unpopularity.
Wind farm risk raised
Locals are concerned that a proposed offshore wind farm in South East SA will interrupt fishing.
Flip-flop qubits perform well
Australian engineers have demonstrated a new type of quantum bit in silicon, called a ‘flip-flop’ qubit.
Foreign staff could help subs
US or UK engineers may be brought in when Australia gets nuclear-powered submarines.
Lobbies call for road fund
Farmers, freight operators and councils are pushing for a $5.5 billion investment into Australia’s rural road network.
Pollution effects studied
Long-term exposure to air pollution may lead to depression in older people, according to US scientists.
ARENA has approved $65 million in funding for Australia’s first commercial scale concentrated solar power plant.
Battery talks begin
The Federal Government has launched industry consultations to inform its big battery strategy.
Gas plans go to court
An anti-fracking group has launched Supreme Court action against the NT government's approval of gas exploration works.
Science fund suggested
A major science lobby says a Science Future Fund could generate economic returns of up to $2.3 billion a year.
Gene vault thrown open
Australian experts have developed a new tool to speed up genetic disease diagnosis.
ASD preps for REDSPICE
The Australian Signals Directorate (ASD) is preparing a service delivery hub ahead of the $10 billion REDSPICE program.
Victoria preps energy revival
Victoria is preparing to bring back the State Electricity Commission (SEC), reversing a decades-old privatisation.
Caesium spotted in WA
The world is coming down from a heightened state caused by a missing radioactive ‘pill’.
Hydrogen concerns surveyed
Experts say that misunderstanding is holding back the adoption of hydrogen fuel technologies.
Sleepy workers face safety risk
A new study has shown that a lack of sleep can reduce FIFO workers' alertness by 20 per cent.